With summertime temperatures sometimes reaching 110 degrees and higher, having a dependable air conditioning system is not just a luxury, it's a necessity. The trouble is, some people have AC systems that just aren’t up to the job and are in need of complete air conditioning replacement.
When you decide that your business needs air conditioning replacement, you might wonder whether to have a similar system installed or opt for a different setup. At Ahlers Heating and Air, we offer several popular options for AC replacement:
Central air conditioning systems will cool your business premises by supplying icy-cold air through wall ducts. The evaporator unit for central AC systems gets installed in basements. If space is at a premium in your home or commercial premises, we offer alternative replacement AC systems that take up less indoor space
Ductless or “mini-split” air conditioning systems use thin copper pipes that supply cold air to wall-mounted fans in each room. The design eliminates the requirement for ductwork in locations where wall space is at a premium.
A geothermal AC system is an innovative design that uses pipes buried deep underground. The underground pipes, along with a coolant solution, help to extract heat from the air and pump cold air through ductwork going to each room at your place of business.